Vollständige Version anzeigen : Interview mit SOE Chief Creative Officer Raph Koster

13.11.2005, 11:26
<p> OGaming.com ver&ouml;ffentlichte ein Interview mit Raph Koster. Wer nicht wissen sollte, wer er ist, der kann sich den folgenden Auszug aus dem Interview durchlesen: <ul><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="85%"><tr><td width="100%"><div align="justify" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: ARIAL, VERDANA; color: #4F4F4F;">As the author and illustrator of Paraglyph Press&rsquo; upcoming novel A Theory of Fun, you could say Sony Online Entertainment chief creative officer Raph Koster wrote the book on gaming. It&rsquo;s not necessarily far from the truth: As the former creative lead and lead designer on the award-winning Ultima Online &ndash; a legend in the massively multiplayer industry &ndash; he&rsquo;s certainly been a driving force in MMO`s. Seriously; just look at the guy&rsquo;s resume, which includes everything from a turn as creative director on Star Wars Galaxies to stints performing keynote speeches at the Austin Game Conference.</p><br><p>He&rsquo;s also a member of the Academy of Interactive Arts &amp; Sciences and International Game Developers Association. What&rsquo;s more, a frequent speaker at industry events such as the Electronic Entertainment Expo, the forward-thinking development guru is constantly being invited to give talks around the world to boot. In fact, between penning articles such as &ldquo;Declaring the Rights of Avatars&rdquo; and &ldquo;The Laws of Online World Design,&rdquo; plus running a canonical history of online worlds on his website (http://raphkoster.com/) it&rsquo;s a wonder he has time for a day job. Well, that and the short stories, poetry and music he composes as well&hellip;</div></td></tr></table></ul> </p><br><p>Raph erz&auml;hlt einige interessante Hintergr&uuml;nde &uuml;ber die Politik SOE und ihre Art Spiele auszuw&auml;hlen und &uuml;ber MMOs an sich.</p><br><p>Link <a href="http://www.ogaming.com/data/3265%7ESOE.php">zum Interview</a> <br> Link <a href="http://forum.everquestii.info/showthread.php?t=7433">zu Kommentaren</a> </p><br>