Vollständige Version anzeigen : Moorgard verlässt das EQ2 SOE Team

19.10.2006, 19:24
Nachdem erst Blackguard das EQ2 Team bei SOE verlassen hat, so zieht nun auch Moorgard nach und geht seine eigenen Wege. <br> <br><ul><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="85%"><tr><td width="100%"><div align="justify" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: ARIAL, VERDANA; color: #4F4F4F;">Fall is my favorite time of year. The air cools and the leaves shift from a singular green into a tapestry of colors. Fall brings change, and we all need change every so often. <br> <br>This fall brings me a change of my own. At the end of this week I am leaving the EQ2 Team and departing sunny San Diego for other shores. <br> <br>Many people leave jobs because they are unhappy or dissatisfied. Thankfully that´s not the case here; in fact, I get to go out on a high note. EverQuest II has never been a better game, and the Echoes of Faydwer expansion is something that the whole team can be very proud of. I´ve been working on EoF since we first began planning it, and to see it come to fruition has been an amazing experience. With as little bias as possible, I think this is the team´s finest work and I´m honored to have been a part of it. But now my time on the project is done, and I can leave knowing that the game is in fantastic hands. <br> <br>I have mixed feelings about going. Though I´m excited at the possibilities the future may bring, I will miss my friends--my family--at SOE. People sometimes have an image of this company as a sterile corporate environment, but that couldn´t be further from the truth. In my years here I have met some of the most fantastic people I´ve ever known, and I will miss them a lot. I could write out a long list of names, but they know who they are. <br> <br>I´m going to miss working on EverQuest II as well. I´ve had the privilege of seeing this game evolve from its pre-beta state to a polished game that´s more fun than ever. Such a transformation can happen only when you have a team that´s not only talented but totally dedicated to what they´re doing. <br> <br>Working on an MMO is about love. You can get by on skill, talent, or luck sometimes, but to stick with a game for years on end you need to love what you do. I can honestly say that I love this game, and it will always hold a special place in my heart. And luckily for me, I don´t ever have to stop playing it. <br> <br>To all of you who´ve been a part of the EverQuest II experience, I thank you. This game has an amazing community and it was my honor to be there at the beginning. We might make the game, but it´s you guys who make it a world. It´s been great meeting so many of you at FanFaires and summits over the years, and I hope to see you again. <br> <br>My sincere thanks and best wishes go out to all members of the EQ2 Team, both past and present. You all have taught me so much, and I owe you a lot for being patient with me over the years. I know the current team will take good care of this wonderful game and take it in exciting new directions. <br> <br>If you´re interested, you can keep tabs on me at my website, www.moorgard.com. I´ll have access to my PMs and SOE email (moorgard@soe.sony.com) for the rest of the week, after which you can reach me through my site. Don´t worry, I´ll be around. You aren´t going to get rid of me so easily. <br> <br>Be seeing you.</div></td></tr></table></ul> <br> <br>Link: <a href="http://forum.everquestii.info/showthread.php?t=10163" target=_blank>Kommentare im Forum</a> <br>Link: <a href="http://eqiiforums.station.sony.com/eq2/board/message?board.id=Non-Gameplay&message.id=428225&view=by_date_as" target=_blank>Zur Ankündigung von Moorgard selbst</a>

19.10.2006, 19:25
Kommentare bitte in diesen Thread: http://forum.everquestii.info/showthread.php?t=10163