Vollstndige Version anzeigen : Europische Gilde - Auergewhnliches Konzept

01.08.2006, 21:58
Hallo Vanguard Fangemeinde,

im Folgenden findet Ihr das erste "Recruitment Post" unserer pre-release Gilde fr Vanguard:SoH. Momentan suchen wir noch einige deutsche Mitglieder, die sich gerne aktiv am Aufbau der Gilde beteiligen wrden, sowie einige deutsche Mitglieder, welche gerne eine Gilde von Anfang an verfolgen wrden und Spa daran haben, allerlei Feedback zu geben. Dies kann die Website oder auch Regelwerke der Gilde sowie Strukturen und Zukunftsplanung betreffen ;-)
Alles in Allem wollen wir versuchen, eine ausgeglichene europische Gilde zu schaffen, in der mglichst viele nationale "Gruppen" vertreten sind, im Optimalfall gleichermaen :-)

Schne Gre,
Die Gildenfhrung

Greetings there fellow future “Vanguard: Saga of Heroes” players,

this is a recruitment post issued by the guild administration of the European Vanguard: Saga of Heroes guild “Dogma”. The post will most likely be a relatively long read, since our concepts, philosophy and way-of-play can not be described with just a few words. You can find a Link pointing to our website at the bottom of this post, the website is considered a “beta website” and will undergo further changes before game is released.

Background Information:

The guild “Dogma” is the latest guild, formed under the concept of “The Guild Project”.
The first guild under this concept was formed in 2002 for the game “Horizons –Empires of Istaria”. This guild was highly successful on the “Wind” server, but unfortunately the game was not bearable and the whole guild quit along with 90% of the other players of this poor MMORPG.
In 2004 we founded “The League”, an EverQuest II guild on the Befallen server, which was also a good guild and later was transformed into the guild “Intimidation” which is still active on the server, but under a new leadership and with only a few of the old members active.

Ever since the game “Vanguard – Saga of Heroes” was first announced by BradMcQuaid and the Sigil team back in 2003 we have been closely following this game to the best of our abilities, since we see it as “the saviour” of the genre, if we are honest. We trust in the team at Sigil to recreate the feeling of old EverQuest back in the days when “Velious” was the most recent expansion pack, because this is the time in our 9 years MMORPG history we enjoyed the most. So far we are not being disappointed.

The People behind “the Guild Project”:

Most of us have been playing since Ultima Online and Meridian and are very experienced in the genre, you could also say we’re “MMORPG Veterans”. We are mostly Europeans, with a few US and Asian people thrown in, which makes this a “European Based” guild and leads to the fact that our “main playtime” (when raids would happen e.g.) is between 6pm GMT and around 1am GMT (Central European Time). However, we do not restrict our guild to only inviting European people, since this would be against what we think is a major part of playing a MMORPG in the first place, diversity of people and muti-cultural and national setup of communities. The only important thing for us is that our members can be active in our peak playtimes.

The concept of “Dogma”, how is it different from other guilds?

The whole concept behind our guild is very different from many other guilds out there.
The “Guild Project”, which led us to all of our guilds and in the end led to the forming of the guild “Dogma” for the Vanguard game is a project to build up a strong, friendly and very efficient community of people who consider each other friends and value loyality, friendship and honor above all else. A major part of this concept is that we want all of our members to take an active part in the ongoing development of the guild, especially in the initial “pre-release” phase. This could be considered an “open source” project, where input is valued and asked for, where everyone can take on an useful role and help to actively “shape the end product”, which is planned to be a rather small, close knit guild community, that is successful in the game and will exist for the years to come.
Continuity is something we deem to be very important, we build this guild to last for years to come, not for guild hoppers, nor for people who tend to quit the games they play after 6 months or take a break and never come back.

We like to be among the “top end” guilds within the environment we chose to play in. This includes raiding, crafting and in general any aspect the MMORPG we are playing has to offer.

We value the community behind the guild to be the utmost important thing to grant the guilds success. This means that we do not tolerate a lot of things and also that we demand a lot of our members, but give back just as much in return.

Quantity of playtime, casual / hardcore
Both of the terms “hardcore” and “casual” player are nothing we like to work with, since they tend to be rather undefined and are open for individual interpretation, which can clearly be seen by just taking a look at any MMORPG forum out there.
We are active players, once we have chosen a MMORPG to play. This means we also need active players within our ranks, someone who does only play in small sessions of 1 or 2 hours and that only on 2 days of the week will not be able to ever fully “grow” into our community and thus never be a real part of it, this is why players with such playtime frequencies do not fit into our concept. We are mostly people who play every day or almost every day, as far as our real lives permit it. Our sessions, for the most part are of an average length of 3 to 7 hours I would guess, this does not, however, mean that all of us play 5 hours or more each and every day. Our memberbase consists of mature people, who do have a life, a job, hobbies besides computer games and families as well as other commitments that are superior to any online game at all times. We will not ever force anyone to be online more, or expel someone from the guild due to a period of low playtime, or even total absence from the game, if there are reasonable reasons for this. Reasonable reasons include any of the above mentioned real life commitments and can go beyond. Once logged in, however, we expect dedication towards the guild as a whole and towards the goals of the guild. We expect our members to take the guild “serious” and do their best to help the whole guild achieve its goals. An example to shorten this a bit: If you are online and a raid is called, we would expect you to drop whatever you are doing and be there as fast as humanly possible. If you are not online, noone will ever blame you, unless you said you’d be, of course.

What we ask from our members, what people we are looking for
We ask for absolute loyalty towards the guild, for dedication as mentioned above and for participation in various ways.
We need only such people who fit into our community, are ready to read our message boards, utilize our website and the community-promoting tools on it and in general, want to really get involved.
We are looking exclusively for people who share our believes, goals and philosophy.
We are exclusively looking for people who want a permanent home, not for people who tend to change their guildtag from time to time.
We are looking exclusively for people who wish to participate by taking on various positions within the guild, taking over tasks and responsibilities, are ready to make suggestions, speak their mind openly, are able to discuss various issues including problems in a mature, reasonable way and are enjoying a close community, where every single member considers every other member a friend, not a number on the roster required for this or that.

What we are not looking for
People who tend to join a guild just for practical reasons such as obtaining loot or out of similarly egoistical and community-harming motives.
People who cannot be online during our peak playtimes.
People who tend to do “guild hopping”.
People unable to lead a mature, constructive discussion.
People with a community-harming attitude, lack of loyalty, dedication, participation or a tendency to harassment of others or any other behaviour that might cause harm to their individual reputation and thus to the guilds reputation.
People who are not able or willing to read message boards once a day and actively take part in ongoing discussions.
People who are afraid of responsibility.
People with an “uber” attitude.
People who enjoy “d00d sp3ak”.
People who think this post is waaaay too long.

Current state of the project and how to go about acquiring more information:

We have just recently established our website http://www.michael-menzel.com/guild a top level domain will be bought before the release of the game.
There you can find information about our guild, philosophy, structure and recruitment process.

At the moment we are in the “initial phase” of the guild project – Vanguard, this means that our recruitment procedure is not in place yet and that we are currently establishing our “player core” for the final release. At this time, to join our guild, you will have to post on the recruitment board on our website and get involved with the people there, get to know them a bit and then you may be taken in and get the opportunity to help in building up this guild, shape its way and develop various parts of its structure over the next months.
Since this is a kind of “open source” project, during the initial phase we expect even more participation than we would during later phases. “Player core” means that we are also looking for people to volunteer for certain administrative positions within the guild, for experienced players mostly, best with leadership or officer background from previous guilds.
However, we are open to “genre newcomers” at all times and we will do our best to help them where we can, since helping out is part of our philosophy.

Thank you for taking the time and reading this lengthy post, thank you for your interest in “Dogma”!

With best regards,

Initiator of “The Guild Project”
Designated Guildmaster of Dogma – The Guild Project – Vanguard
Emails: scorlock@gmx.de (Myth) / asmh9000@gmx.net (Ardenya) / t.kief@gmx.net (Aidan)
Web: http://www.michael-menzel.com/guild/ (Dogma Beta Website)

20.10.2006, 13:27
Hallo Myth,

das erinnert mich an die Gilde Dogma von EQ1 auf dem KD server. Besteht da eine Verwandschaft?



20.10.2006, 19:09

obwohl Myth und ich beide EQ gespielt haben und zuletzt auch auf KD unterwegs waren, kann ich mich nicht an eine Gilde namens Dogma erinnern. Ich selbst war zuletzt Mitglied bei Sine Nomine, die aus 2 kleineren Gilden gemerged sind. Was Myth so getrieben hat, wei ich nicht mehr, ist aber auch schon so lange her... :P

Jedenfalls besteht da kein groer Zusammenhang. Wir haben die Gilde im August gegrndet, die Idee und die generellen Strukturen sind aus dem Beta Test fr Horizons aus dem Jahr 2003. In der Anfangsphase hieen wir noch Bohemia, sahen uns dann jedoch "gezwungen" den Namen zu ndern. Aus mehreren Ideen fr einen Namen ist dann letztendlich "Dogma" als Sieger hervorgegangen.


21.10.2006, 13:55
Ok Danke fuer die Antwort.

Dogma wurde auch auf KD sehr schnell umbenannt, deswegen hast die vielleicht nimmer gekannt.

Dogma --> Corvus Corax --> End of Times

21.10.2006, 18:08
Ahh, der Rabe fliegt wieder!

Klar, an CC und EoT erinnere ich mich noch und dann besteht sogar tatschlich sowas wie Verwandschaft ;)

Wir sind zusammen von Druzzil nach KD gemoved wo Myth/Danton Dogma gegruendet hat. Lief ja auch echt gut bis dann "Probleme" auftauchten und CC ins Leben gerufen wurde. Wir flogen ne Zeit lang mit dem Raben, irgendwann bin ich aber raus, da ich nicht mehr so viel Zeit hatte und wesentlich mehr casual unterwegs war. Myth blieb noch bis EoT und meint sogar officer gewesen zu sein...

Jedenfalls haben die beiden Gilden kaum was gemeinsam. Sie haben ein ganz unterschiedliches Konzept und eine andere Philosophie. Sie teilen sich jedoch die Ambition ganz oben dabei zu sein ;)

23.01.2007, 07:54
Bitte entschuldigt, dass das nachfolgende Post in englisch ist. Jedoch sind wir eine multi-nationale Gilde und deswegen auch nur auf der Suche nach Mitgliedern, die auch des Englischen wenigstens in Schrift mchtigt sind. Fr all diejenigen ein schnelles Dogma Update.

Einen schnen Start in VG euch allen!

Dear Molgam members,

I'd like to inform you that Dogma has decided to start on Gelenia - Euro PvE server. We are looking forward to meet you there and to start playing the real deal.

Also to give you a quick update on the guild, here is more information about us:

Hereafter is a news summary of what we look like as the beta is wrapped up, and as we prepare for the launch next week (three days ahead, of course)


In-game supervising Council member: Deluwen

Our adventuring team consists of 2 parts. We have a very dedicated core adventure group (multiple ingame groups) these guys will be the fastest to level, will be the first to be supported with the newest crafted toys but thats not their only purpose they will also be given some tasks to do like getting certain items, helping to kill certain quest mobs, everything you can think of that requires a dedicated adventure group. These guys also will make up the core of our raid force. This group will be organised in fellowships from the beginning.

The rest will be in the adventuring team (multiple groups again) where there will be voluntary fellowships formed. Some of these teams will be right behind the core and some will take bit longer to level up. Although a bit later, these groups will get their toys from the crafters as well, to be as well geared as possible. At the moment we have around 60 people already which will all be part of either of these 2 groups and we are nicely balanced already. But we are always looking for some more extra special people to squeeze in.


In-game supervising Council member: Maxsius

Our Goal within the crafting sphere in Vanguard is to have every aspect of crafting covered, supporting a dedicated team of members working on all available professions, from the blacksmiths to the artificers and outfitters with all of their primary and secondary skills maxed to provide everything our guildmembers may need.
Crafting the best things possible, from equipment items like weapons or armor , over houses and ships to rare spells or even unique items - if offered by the game mechanics - is our declared goal within this guild. We do not believe in buying anything from the outside, you see?

Obviously our crafters will get full-scale support by all of our guildmembers, be it resource gathering, tool- or recipe-funding, you will be supported in a way you have never experienced before.

At this moment we have 18 crafters, that means 6 crafters on each continent, two of each class to cover every recipe that is possible on the specific continent. With class leaders that will take care of all resources and enhancement we are ready for leveling fast and build up a top-end crafters community. A good amount of our crafters has experienced Beta, so we sure know what to do.

Also keeping close contact between the Classleaders and our Guild Trader team will maintain a constant flow of money for our guild, which will be used for bigger projects like Guild housing, boats and mounts.

At this moment we are still looking for:

1x Blacksmith - specialization Armoursmith

1x Blacksmith - specialization Weaponsmith

But if you are a dedicated, committed crafter and would like to join our team just send Maxsius a pm or e-mail.

Examples of Dogma crafted gear in beta:


Community Relations:

In-game supervising Council member: Chast

As we wrap up the open beta phase, the excitement is palpable, out there in the world of Telon. Dogma, like others, shares this thrill and is proudly flying its flag with a large number of its members spread over all continents, already adepts of adventuring, crafting and diplomacy with experience gained in the closed beta phases.

Dogmas goals in Vanguard:
- To be amongst the top guilds within our selected playing environment
- To value the community of guild members, demanding much from them, and giving back as much to them in return
- To have a base of mature, committed players, whilst respecting other commitments that the guild members have
- To expect guild loyalty, through involvement in the guild community (message boards, website etc) and identification with the guilds values

With just over a week to go until VSoH launches, Dogma faces the world of Telon as a force of over 60 mature and committed guild members. The spread has been thoughtfully channelled to ensure we are as strong in crafters and adventurers alike. Through our selective recruitment process, we have ensured that only members who meet our community profile will represent our guild at launch in the world of Telon.

Dogma members have actively been providing feedback to Sigil as part of the closed beta testing phases, and consequently will face the launch of the live game well prepared in terms of game mechanics and lore.

Dogmas leadership structure:
Dogma operates as a democracy, its leadership is elected by all the guild members. Similarly all members (once their initial trial period is successfully completed) are encouraged to voice their opinion on guild matters, and participate in an ongoing manner in the shaping of Dogma.

Our current leadership and support team is as follows:

Guildmaster - Mythos
High Council - Ardenya, Chast, Deluwen
Council - Drafox (trader), Hazar (recruitment), Maxsius (crafting), Towyn (counsellor)

Specialist roles
- Web Team: Heaver / Qenji
- Community Relations: Chast
- Tactician: Carathien
- Events Management: Stonecape

On behalf of all Dogma members I wish all of you a smooth start into the world of Telon!

23.01.2007, 11:48
nettes update :)
dann werden wir uns wohl auf gelenia ber den weg laufen :)