Vollständige Version anzeigen : Erster Ausblick auf die Rassentalente

13.01.2007, 13:42
Die ersten internen Tests mit den Rassentalenten haben begonnen.
Hört sich ja alles ziemlich gut an, allerdings muss ich sagen, dass ich finde das einige ziemlich overpowered sind. Mal sehen welche Timer sie bekommen werden.

Quelle: http://forums.vanguardsoh.com/showthread.php?p=1899689#post1899689

These are the first pass at racial abilities (Minus Dark Elves and Gnomes, which will be soon to follow) We have done some internal testing, but as always, there are sure to be bugs and unintended side effects.

We will definitely appreciate feedback on the specific following issues:

- Display Descriptions (Although some of these are not final): Was it clear? Do they add enough racial flavor without being too wordy?
- Particle effects / animations (Some these are placeholder as well): Are the effects appropriate?
- Reuse timers: Do you feel the reuse timers are appropriate? Are they short enough to warrant a hotkey slot?
- Ability Effects: Do the abilities do what they're described to do? Are the effects negligible or noticeable? Are the abilities particularly more or less useful based on your class selection?
- Racial Flavor: Do the abilities feel unique? Do they make sense given the lore/background of the race?

Qalian Barbarians: Desert Skin
- For the next 15 seconds after this ability is activated, you will mitigate 25% of all damage, and every mob that attacks you has a 50% chance of being stunned for 2 seconds.

Thestra Barbarians: Endless Fortitude
- For the next 30 seconds, this ability will double your endurance and energy pool while increasing your spell and melee damage by 25%.

Dwarf: Earthen Embrace
- For 60 seconds, this ability will turn your body to stone. Along with removing all poison effects, you will mitigate 10% damage and become immune to movement impairing spells such as knock back, stun, and snare.

Goblin: Hex of Ghalnn
- Whoever is afflicted by this hex will return 3% of the mana and hit points for every hit that is made on them. The effect lasts for 60 seconds.

Half Elf: Symbol of Jin
- This ability will apply a rune to every member of the group for 60 seconds, which will mitigate damage as well as apply an un-resistible damage shield.

Halfling: Quick Escape
- This ability allows Halflings to immediately remove themselves from combat. For the next 10 seconds afterwards they will also be invisible.

High Elf: Arcane Balance
- This ability will take the cumulative amount of mana in a group, add 25% to that number, and evenly redistribute it to all members.

Kojani Human: Spirit of Jin
- This ability will immediately restore 45% of energy and hit points to the target.

Mordebi: Curse of the Ancients
- This ability will immediately remove a targeted NPC from combat, wiping their agro and reducing their agro range to 0. During this time the creature can not be healed, attack, or be attacked.

Qaliathari Humans: Swiftness of the Sands
- For this next 10 seconds, when this ability is activated your ability to evade all melee attacks and spells will be greatly increased.

Thestran Humans: Inspirational Commands
- You will have 3 inspirational commands at your disposal: Inspirational Presence, Inspirational Wisdom, and Inspirational Tactics. Each command is a group buff that will add either 2% to mitigation, a 3% reduction to mana cost of all spells, or a 2% increase in damage. You may only maintain one command at a time, however you may have all 3 effects active at the same time.

Kurashasa: Symbiotic Armor
- When this armor is active you will be consumed by a symbiotic presence. In addition to regening 2% of your health every 3 seconds, you will apply an effect to all enemies within a 20 meter point-blank radius. Anyone affected by this debuff will become snared and slowed.

Lesser Giant: Strength of Torsheim
- For the next 30 seconds after this ability is activated, you will increase your max hit points by 50%.

Orc: Fury of Ghalnn
- For the next 5 attacks after this ability is activated, you will receive a 10% increase to damage and all the damage you do will return to you in the form of hit points.

Raki: Planar Shift
- While this ability is active, you will gain a 25% mitigation to all spell damage but will slowly lose health. This ability may be toggled.

Vulmane: Spiritual Bond
- This ability will apply an effect to every member in your group, allowing 35% of all damage done by them to return to you in the form of health for 20 seconds.

Wood Elf: Form of Nature
- When this ability is activated, all movement impairing spells will be stripped from you, and for the next 30 seconds your run speed will be greatly increased. You will also be immune to all movement impairing spells during this time.

NOTE: The following two are not implemented yet:

Gnome: Forge Crystal
- This ability allows you to operate a variety of devices, only available to gnomes, which are able to materialize a energy crystals. Crystals will have several common effects, ranging from percentage based mana, health, and endurance heals to several uncommon, rare, and even ultra rare effects such as prismatic group resist buffs, rune and damage shields, minion summons, and more.

Dark Elf: Spawn of Haelufir
- This ability allows you to summon forth a small drake for a short duration. The type of drake you summon will be based on class and level. Each type of drake will have a variety of effects at their disposal, ranging from group aura's, to breath attacks. The higher level drakes will also learn spells that are sympathetic with their associated class.

13.01.2007, 16:10
wow ein paar sachen sind ja mal richtig heavy O_o

edit: so hab grad mal einige durchprobiert, die abilities sind schon nicht schlecht jedoch halten sie nur für kurze zeit und die recast zeit ist sehr sehr lange, weshalb ich glaube das sie keine so große rolle spielen werden......

13.01.2007, 16:32
Jup das stimmt aber, glaube kaum das sie so wie sie sind all zulang im Spiel sein werden. Die werden sicher nach und nach entschärft.

Sussi Sorglos
15.01.2007, 12:18
Jo denk auch, viel zu unausgeglichen ....

Finds doof wenn allein schon durch die rasse einige als gruppentauglicher als wie andere eingestuft werden ... die reuse zeiten liegen zwar im bereich von zig minuten, aber grade fuer die heavy group survival abillities tut das keinen abbruch. Ne gruppe die aller 5 minuten um die nackte existeenz kaempfen muss, hat sich einfach verlaufen/ueberschaaetzt und verdient es nicht zu ueberleben.

Ausserdem hat dann ne perfekte gruppe 6 leute mit so faehigkeiten ....

Ciao ...

19.01.2007, 19:44
hmja mag sein, aber jemanden der in eine endgame richtung denkt und raids als existenzgrundlage sieht, kann die falsche rassenwahl schon mal auf die ersatzbank setzen ;)

20.01.2007, 15:08
Es soll aber Leute geben, denen Spass und ausprobieren wichtiger ist als Perfektion

Sussi Sorglos
22.01.2007, 09:25
Es soll aber Leute geben, denen Spass und ausprobieren wichtiger ist als Perfektion

Ja aber bei levelzeiten von mehreren Monaten bis zum max Level, fangen sie dann vielleicht auch an Ihre toons zu mögen, und finden es doof wenn aus rein esthetischen Gruenden bei der Charauswahl Ihnen spaeter Content aus dem Spiel vorenthalten bleibt. Hoffen wir mal das es nicht so krass wird....

Ciao ...