Vollständige Version anzeigen : 24 players max for raid? WTF - Silky Venom ************* (Tagad)

Molgam Bot
06.02.2007, 07:50
We have posted on this subject since early in beta. 24 people, four groups, is the raid size.

We want to be able to create content where each player has to play a part and doesnt simply feel like a cog in a giant machine that has no effect on the real outcome.

If we had a raid cap of 40 players, some people would complains. If we had a raid cap of 80 players, someone would complain.

In regard to raid size in relation to guilds, on a previous project, we saw massive guild bloat when encounters were tuned or created for more than 30ish people. Many times the guilds would simply explode in numbers just so they could keep up with the content - it stopped being about playing with a bunch of cool people you knew and more about the "job" of being in a raiding guild.


Weiterlesen... (http://www.silkyvenom.com/forums/showthread.php?p=84643#post84643)