Vollständige Version anzeigen : Pantheon quests shut off :( - Silky Venom ************* (Glip the Gnome)

Molgam Bot
08.02.2007, 21:40
Originally posted by Muggi;90613
This makes Muggi a sad panda. Static group finally reached the level to do Pantheon, really looked forward to these quests and now..

Ugh. Time to switch continents I suppose. With Infineum being broken (last time we checked at least) and now Pantheon shut off, there's no real decent armor questlines on Qualia til the mid-30's.

Fortunately, the quests being turned off in Pantheon is only temporary. We'll make sure to let everyone know when they are back online. http://www.silkyvenom.com/forums/images/smilies/smile.gif

Weiterlesen... (http://www.silkyvenom.com/forums/showthread.php?p=90792#post90792)