Molgam Bot
15.02.2007, 22:00
Originally posted by jtoast;106328
If something like this goes in I would prefer it only be allowed in player created cities and that it require several casters from the various classes to have maxed crafting skills to create. It should then require a fairly large amount of resources (both coin and Reagents) to maintain.
There will likely be an upkeep, and part of that will likely include making your city attractive to other players and having them contribute to the success of your city. In other words, you will need people who don't own the city to be a successful and prosperous city.
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Originally posted by jtoast;106328
If something like this goes in I would prefer it only be allowed in player created cities and that it require several casters from the various classes to have maxed crafting skills to create. It should then require a fairly large amount of resources (both coin and Reagents) to maintain.
There will likely be an upkeep, and part of that will likely include making your city attractive to other players and having them contribute to the success of your city. In other words, you will need people who don't own the city to be a successful and prosperous city.
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