Vollständige Version anzeigen : Vanguard Brings Memories of SojournMUD - Silky Venom ************* (Aradune Mithara)

Molgam Bot
15.02.2007, 23:43
Originally posted by Draegan;106862
Great game so far. I have to say, since playing this game since release, I'm having a great time. The feel to this game reminds me heavily of SojournMUD from the mid 90's because of the heavy Diku style. I suppose many of you might be reminded of your early EQ days. Well it reminds me of my SojournMUD days.

Anyone else ever play Sojourn back in the day? I'm just feeling nostalgic this afternoon. I used to have such an amazing time during that era.

Planes of Fire?
Meeting up 3 west of fountain.
The brownie's "a golden earring" +2 hitroll!

-Tykre Viesille of SojournMUD, Grey Elf Sorcerer

Aradune Mithara was a level 50 ranger on Toril/Sojourn MUD, and there are several other Sigil people who played and were high level. Most of us played in the mid 90s before we got so involved with making EverQuest. Tagad also played like crazy on that MUD.

We did Tiamat quite a few times. I had 2 swords of Mieliki (sp) that had an awesome proc http://www.silkyvenom.com/forums/images/smilies/smile.gif Plane of Fire was down when I played, but I did end up getting 2 flaming earrings from players who left the game.

Awesome memories. You'll see homage to that MUD in Vanguard just as you did EverQuest.

Weiterlesen... (http://www.silkyvenom.com/forums/showthread.php?p=106907#post106907)