Molgam Bot
17.02.2007, 01:54
Our investigations department is fairly solid at tracking down exploiters and having them removed from the game. They are rather vigilant in this regard. There are legit players at the high end, and there are many exploiters that have been investigated and removed from the game.
I don't think anyone should be surprised at there being people at these levels. If you look at the amount of /played time the legit people have its pretty much on mark with what we were looking for, actually about 20% faster than our expected "fast" time the last time I checked.
The people at the very high end legit, are /extremely/ dedicated gamers. I'd wager to say most are getting only a few hours of sleep a day, if not every few days.
You cant assume that Vanguard has "fast leveling" based upon the bleeding edge. They are just that, the forefront, the bleeding edge, the ultra exceptional, less than 1% of the entire population people
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I don't think anyone should be surprised at there being people at these levels. If you look at the amount of /played time the legit people have its pretty much on mark with what we were looking for, actually about 20% faster than our expected "fast" time the last time I checked.
The people at the very high end legit, are /extremely/ dedicated gamers. I'd wager to say most are getting only a few hours of sleep a day, if not every few days.
You cant assume that Vanguard has "fast leveling" based upon the bleeding edge. They are just that, the forefront, the bleeding edge, the ultra exceptional, less than 1% of the entire population people
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