Vollständige Version anzeigen : Weekly Roundup

Molgam Bot
17.02.2007, 04:35
<P>Welcome to the Weekly Roundup,
the one stop shop for recent developer sightings on the Affiliate Fansites. You’ll
find links to the various sites and discussions, feel free to join in! In
this weeks roundup you’ll find posts on these topics:</P> <UL> <LI>Adventuring News</LI> <LI>Crafting News</LI> <LI>Diplomacy News</LI> <LI>Customer Support</LI> <LI>User Interface</LI> </UL> <P>Catch up on the latest Vanguard
news this weekend right <A HREF="http://vgplayers.station.sony.com/newsArchive.vm?id=056&amp;section=News">here</A>!</P>

Weiterlesen... (http://vgplayers.station.sony.com/newsArchive.vm?section=News&id=056 )