Vollständige Version anzeigen : Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard? - Fires of Heaven ************* (Nino)

Molgam Bot
17.02.2007, 21:50
I've been fairly vocal about trying to get the animations improved and changed as needed. One of the things that people couldn't stand was the 'shout' animation that looked bad and lasted way too long. In the next art push we have six new 'War Cry' animations of varying lengths and styles to replace the shouts. I've reassigned them to the Warrior, Dread Knight, and Paladin already, but you won't see them until we patch the files. We also added a very simple blow gun animation for the Rogue. The Rogue has several blow dart abilities that were being tossed at the target. Now it looks much better. I realize these are little changes, but hopefully they add up. We could still stand to do a pass on removing some of the pauses and trimming some of the dead space in our weapon swings, but it isn't the first priority right now. We are still creating NPCs at a constant pace and the animation people are busy. We have a dozen or so new creatures coming with the next push; some cool stuff.</div> <div> __________________
Nino McHammer
Fires of Heaven

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