Molgam Bot
19.02.2007, 21:50
I noted the crafting stuff and forwarded it last week. I will add these new items as well.
We aren't just plowing ahead with 'new' content either. The entire code staff is doing nothing but fixing and optimizing. Content teams are split amongst refining current content, live content, and future content. The first real art patch is coming in a few weeks as well and it is brimming with fixes to asset placement, fixing floating deco, fixes for LOS and elevation issues, and a good deal of new adventuring areas.</div> <div> __________________
Nino McHammer
Fires of Heaven
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We aren't just plowing ahead with 'new' content either. The entire code staff is doing nothing but fixing and optimizing. Content teams are split amongst refining current content, live content, and future content. The first real art patch is coming in a few weeks as well and it is brimming with fixes to asset placement, fixing floating deco, fixes for LOS and elevation issues, and a good deal of new adventuring areas.</div> <div> __________________
Nino McHammer
Fires of Heaven
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