Vollständige Version anzeigen : DEVS ARE CHEATING - Exposing the Truth - Silky Venom ************* (Cylus)

Molgam Bot
20.02.2007, 23:53
I jumped onto TA to talk to them after hearing reports that the pathing in the River Palace was still borked. Conversations about specific bugs continued and eventually petered out, whereupon I logged with that info and removed myself from the guild. If people brought up specific bugs regarding specific quests or areas, I answered them without spoiling anything that they obviously didn't already know. Anyone that knows the content that I've created knows that I'm particularly nasty and enjoy challenging players; the notion of me making it easier on players, including BotS, is appalling.

I spoke with BotS because they are tearing through content much quicker than the average player and, as such, have tons of feedback that will help make the game play better when said average players reaches that said content. Yes, I said that; getting feedback from high-end guilds will make the game better for those that are progressing at a slower rate. And to be clear, BotS isn't tearing through content because I spoke with them and gave them "l33t infoz." They give me feedback and I try to get stuff fixed or tweaked...period. The game has gotten better because of their feedback, as is the case for any constructive feedback that we receive from our player base. As time goes on, the list of guilds and guild members that I've chatted with will increase; unfortunately, continuing allegations of "CHEATING" will more than likely squash this, which will negatively impact the game regardless of whether the Chicken Littles of the gaming community realize it or not.

My time spent chatting it up with BotS and responding to their feedback and concerns is no different than the time that I spend here "chatting" with y'all and responding to your concerns. It's just a helluvalot easier chatting with someone in real-time than hitting reply over and over again. For all of beta, my MSN contact info was available through my Vanguard forum profile and I've never once refused to talk to someone when it comes to this game.

People complain that the devs don't give enough or respond to feedback yet, when one does take the time during his free time to try to make the game better, they complain that the "DEVS ARE CHEATING." Apparently, I can't win and need to L2P, particularly on Friday nights when I have better things to do.

And y'know, I was really attached to that level 1 goblin sorceror; poor little guy probably won't see the light of day now until y'all see him getting stabbed on an episode of Cheaters :cry:

Weiterlesen... (http://www.silkyvenom.com/forums/showthread.php?p=117866#post117866)