Molgam Bot
21.02.2007, 08:26
Soon: The Report Command</STRONG></P> <P>Unfortunately, GMs cannot
monitor every location in the game at all times, so there will be occasions
when Customer Support does not see abuse or disruptions taking place. Players
who wish to report such abuse should use the report command when it occurs.
This command captures the last ten lines of visible text from the players
text window, sending it to a file on the server. These files can only be
accessed by Game Masters, so they can be used as evidence (unlike
screenshots, which are easily manipulated). To use the command, simply type
/report followed by a space and the players name who is being reported. </P> <P> </P> <P>After the report has been
filed please petition to alert the CS staff to your filing. </P> <P> </P> <P><STRONG>/Claim
problems resolved</STRONG></P> <P>Many European players were
unable to properly claim their Collectors Edition bonus items. The network
issues causing this problem have been fixed, so international players should
now be able claim their items correctly. </P> <P> </P> <P><STRONG>Infineum
Server Login Problem</STRONG></P> <P>A small portion of players
on the Infineum server are reporting that they are unable to log into that
server properly, and are unable to delete any characters on it. To solve this
problem, simply create a new character (on any server) and then delete it. You
should then be able to log in normally. </P> <P> </P> <P><STRONG>In the Works</STRONG></P> <P>Some of the top issues are aware of and working on
currently:</P> <P>·
Players who abandon diplomacy quests, lose
quests due to server crashes, or fail to accept a quest the first time it is
offered may never be able to do the quest again. This is being worked on. </P> <P>·
Sometimes, when going through certain areas,
group members will disappear. Their character is still there, but other
players are unable to see them. This is being worked on. </P> <P>·
There are still some bugs here and there with
the social server, we are aware of these and working to fix them. </P> <P>·
Improving client side performance is still a
priority, and our efforts in this area will be ongoing. </P> <P> </P>
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Soon: The Report Command</STRONG></P> <P>Unfortunately, GMs cannot
monitor every location in the game at all times, so there will be occasions
when Customer Support does not see abuse or disruptions taking place. Players
who wish to report such abuse should use the report command when it occurs.
This command captures the last ten lines of visible text from the players
text window, sending it to a file on the server. These files can only be
accessed by Game Masters, so they can be used as evidence (unlike
screenshots, which are easily manipulated). To use the command, simply type
/report followed by a space and the players name who is being reported. </P> <P> </P> <P>After the report has been
filed please petition to alert the CS staff to your filing. </P> <P> </P> <P><STRONG>/Claim
problems resolved</STRONG></P> <P>Many European players were
unable to properly claim their Collectors Edition bonus items. The network
issues causing this problem have been fixed, so international players should
now be able claim their items correctly. </P> <P> </P> <P><STRONG>Infineum
Server Login Problem</STRONG></P> <P>A small portion of players
on the Infineum server are reporting that they are unable to log into that
server properly, and are unable to delete any characters on it. To solve this
problem, simply create a new character (on any server) and then delete it. You
should then be able to log in normally. </P> <P> </P> <P><STRONG>In the Works</STRONG></P> <P>Some of the top issues are aware of and working on
currently:</P> <P>·
Players who abandon diplomacy quests, lose
quests due to server crashes, or fail to accept a quest the first time it is
offered may never be able to do the quest again. This is being worked on. </P> <P>·
Sometimes, when going through certain areas,
group members will disappear. Their character is still there, but other
players are unable to see them. This is being worked on. </P> <P>·
There are still some bugs here and there with
the social server, we are aware of these and working to fix them. </P> <P>·
Improving client side performance is still a
priority, and our efforts in this area will be ongoing. </P> <P> </P>
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