Vollständige Version anzeigen : what is prestige for? - Vanguard TACT ************* (Aruspex - SGO)

Molgam Bot
22.02.2007, 18:50
Hey it's a fair question, but there's layers of things between us making something, and it getting tested, and it getting to the game world.

We patched very, very quickly at the launch (like most games do), and introduced about 1 bug for every 3 fixes. Obviously this is not desirable. So we're slowing down the patch cycle.

Understand a LOT goes into a patch, and designer magic is about the easiest thing that goes in. The patch last night contained new art assets, which is complicated and big in size, and some vital code fixes, which is much more dangerous than putting in quests or even tweaking percentage numbers on info drops or whatnot.

So that all being said, we have some part of the House game in New Targonor already. You should be able to begin picking your favorite Houses and building faction with them. Within a couple months on the outside (and here I am REALLY hedging my bets), you will be able to start changing the population of New Targonor based on your actions with the various Houses.

We are discussing today and tomorrow some fixes on how the Prestigious Baubles work, and the system for converting Prestige into regular faction.

When this will take form in the game is a matter for debate. Our schedule is mostly focusing on getting Writs up and running, and the tier 2 and 3 horse quests up and running. Plus, two of us are working on the side on high end adventuring/diplomacy linked content on Qalia in a couple areas.

We already have linked adventuring/diplomacy content going into Thestra (soon? not sure if it isn't already in) thanks to some hard work on Linear's part.

When the Test Server comes up, you will actually find the process of getting content to you speeding up, as we will have more people to test various things, and the advantage of our technical testers who test functionality, and our player Test Server players who feedback to us look and feel. http://www.vgtact.com//images/smilies/smile.gif


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