Vollständige Version anzeigen : Repetitiveness of Diplomacy - Vanguard TACT ************* (Aruspex - SGO)

Molgam Bot
22.02.2007, 21:50
I guess I'll elaborate further.

Right now we've specced out the following design (and NO, I'm not providing a lot of the fiddly details, heh heh):

NPC has a pool of cards from which we pre-build a certain number of decks. The pool of cards is actually a very large one, but we have limiters in for lower skill decks.

When the NPC is hailed to commit to a parley, it selects from a pre-determined set of decks for that parley conversation. For instance, if the player tries to engage an NPC in an Entertain conversation, it will not choose any decks that rely on Demand.

To prevent you from still being able to determine the exact deck you will be facing, there is a random element in all this to ensure the same deck isn't played over and over again.


Weiterlesen... (http://www.vgtact.com/showthread.php?p=18258#post18258)