Vollständige Version anzeigen : The Crimson Fellowship - Silky Venom ************* (GM Keejay)

Molgam Bot
22.02.2007, 21:50
The follow is an excerpt of a conversation I had with a friend of mine while having tea this afternoon:

Sometime during the night a parchment was slipped under my door. It was sealed with a signet which I did not seem to recall. I donned my spectacles and took a seat by the fire to read the document. Carefully I broke the crimson wax seal as to preserve it for later study. As the parchment unfolded these words magically appeared…

“We have emerged from the shadows.”

And then once again the parchment was blank. I took the wax seal into my study and started searching my records for an indication of who may have sent this mysterious document. After perusing numerous dusty tomes and crumbling scrolls I finally came across a copy of the symbol from the seal. It appeared to be hastily sketched and had this notation next to it:

The secretive Crimson Fellowship is one of the most exclusive organizations on Telon. The Knights of the Fellowship wander the world settling disputes, righting wrongs and on occasion recruiting an individual who shows exceptional potential. The origins of the Fellowship are cloaked in secrecy but many believe they predate the Cataclysm. This certainly seems likely given the rumored base of the Crimson Fellowship: an island fortress secluded behind eternal storms and magical wards.

We conversed at length about its meaning and could come to only one conclusion. The elusive Crimson Fellowship has emerged from secrecy to walk amongst us. Details are sketchy at this time and I am sure as the days pass there will be more information available. Be on the lookout for its members. Rumor has it they are allowed to identify themselves and will be wandering Telon with smiling faces. They will be willing to lend an ear, offer advice, and could be possibly recruiting. This is indeed exciting news and I welcome the members of the Crimson Fellowship to our growing community.

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