Vollständige Version anzeigen : Pouch, shmouch....I need a magic wardrobe - Vanguard TACT ************* (doomcookie)

Molgam Bot
23.02.2007, 00:50
Originally Posted by Lizard http://vgtact.com/vb/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.vgtact.com//showthread.php?p=18287#post18287)

What can't diplomats be a pet-using class?

(Hey, might it not be a good idea to have non-combat pets as a sort of 'clothing' option? A mangy ol' hound for Outsider presence, an owl for Academic presence, a hawk for Noble presence....)

This is another idea we are throwing around. All of us on the team would really like to see them in the game in some form; however, pets are tricky to get approved for various reasons. We are working on it though.

Weiterlesen... (http://www.vgtact.com/showthread.php?p=18304#post18304)