Vollständige Version anzeigen : Vanguard News Update - Thursday

Molgam Bot
24.02.2007, 06:10
<P>&nbsp;</P> <P><STRONG>Quest Experience</STRONG></P> <P>As many players have noticed,
this morning’s patch increased the amount of experience that was awarded for
the completion of quests. The experience reward will likely continue to be
tweaked over the course of the next few patches, but we will be sure to let
everyone know of any additional changes. </P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P><STRONG>Tombstone/Travel Journal Fix</STRONG></P> <P>The issue where players who have
tombstones log out, then log back in only to find that they no longer have
tombstone locations in their travel journal will be fixed with the next server
restart. </P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P><STRONG>Crafting Tool Fix</STRONG></P> <P>Many crafting tools were
incorrectly flagged during the last patch. As a result, sometimes crafters
would be unable to finish a recipe or work order because they were told they
did not have the right tool – even if they did. This will be fixed with the
next server restart. </P> <P>&nbsp;</P>

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