Vollständige Version anzeigen : Patheon of Ancients Rewards.... - Silky Venom ************* (Cylus)

Molgam Bot
26.02.2007, 07:52
Originally posted by Meldryn;128318
My playstyle being what it is, I will most likely not even use this cloak over my Infineum Cloak of Defence (which really should have had the typo fixed by now) because of the Infineum's 2h slashing mod.

Fixed the typo, was the first that I've heard of it. All heavy +dodge items had the +dodge removed last week; should update next patch.

This needs to be fixed immediately, and players already stuck with one cloak or another need to be given the option to trade their cloak for one that they would actually use.

Nobody is "stuck" with any of the cloaks. Won't spoil that any further.

Will point Tsudanosh in the direction of this post, assuming he doesn't see it on his own http://www.silkyvenom.com/forums/images/smilies/biggrin.gif

Weiterlesen... (http://www.silkyvenom.com/forums/showthread.php?p=128340#post128340)