Molgam Bot
27.02.2007, 06:43
Laptops are pricey to begin with, and you can't really upgrade them much after you make the purchase. So, make sure you REALLY want a laptop for other reasons than gaming. I have a Dell XPS 1710 that is maxed out (everything except only 2gb Ram), and it runs the game wonderfully. In fact, the screen makes the game look better than my desktop. The CPU is the Core Duo T7600G with a 7950 GTX 512mb. I use my laptop everyday for at least a few hours and I can't say enough good things about it so far. However, it ain't cheap. Oh, and the onboard audio is really crappy so I had to get an audigy external. Dell puts a bunch of crap on the HD that you don't need, but it is easy enough to gut it or reinstall. I am running XP now but received a free Vista upgrade that I will switch over to very soon. So far so good.</div> <div> __________________
Nino McHammer
Fires of Heaven
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Nino McHammer
Fires of Heaven
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