Vollständige Version anzeigen : No armor graphics....I hate Kojan!! =) - Silky Venom ************* (Cylus)

Molgam Bot
27.02.2007, 10:50
Originally posted by Nizar;128667
I'm a Thestran Dread Knight, and no- I can't see my Kojani armor either. Sent up a /bug report for the Kojani Protector's Breastplate of Arcane Spikes sometime last week. Thanks for lookin' into this guys- much as I like goin' into combat looking like I'm ready for a bar fight, it'd be nice to see what I paid for.
-Malek Everdown, Florendyl

Looks like Silius fixed that BP since the last patch.

I've glanced over all of the Kojan armor and everything looked in order so can only guess that everything is fixed. Unless I get a specific name of an item to look at, all I can do is glance through em all in one big batch; trust me, there's a LOT of craftable items in the database http://www.silkyvenom.com/forums/images/smilies/smile.gif

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