Molgam Bot
27.02.2007, 23:52
One of the primary reasons behind player frustration with too many Diplomacy clothes is the lack of options on getting rid of old ones. Deconstruction is an easy fix, so we elected to go with it. It is standard deconstruction, though we are looking into another pass that would deconstruct these into "faction dust."
As I have stated there will be Diplomacy container slots added to the chracter sheet within a few patches. These container slots will allow you to carry valises and information-carrying containers. You will have to decide which is more important for your own character - carrying clothes or carrying information.
Changes are coming on this front - we've heard you and we see the same frustrations on storage that you do.
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As I have stated there will be Diplomacy container slots added to the chracter sheet within a few patches. These container slots will allow you to carry valises and information-carrying containers. You will have to decide which is more important for your own character - carrying clothes or carrying information.
Changes are coming on this front - we've heard you and we see the same frustrations on storage that you do.
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