Molgam Bot
01.03.2007, 01:02
Originally posted by jojo;135309
Either give us each rewards, or change which skills we use, group Monks in with Offensive Fighters, group Disciples in with Defensive Casters.
You realize that adding in Monk and Disciple specific weapon rewards would raise the ire of every other class that doesn't have a specific weapon tailored for their class, yes? Or the cleric that wants a hammer rather than a mace, or the DK that wants a mace instead of a sword, or the caster that wants a dagger instead of a focus, etc etc...
It would be, and currently is to some extent, a vicious neverending cycle where some class always feel slighted, this thread being a prime example. Class specific quests do, and will, remedy this situation. And please don't confuse my dialogue with disagreements or neglect; I asked that question because I'm actually AM interested in a solution, albeit one that doesn't include cluttering up every quest with 6-8 or more rewards.
Btw, for the casters reading this, I realized today that the staff currently isn't showing the +spell crit % in the tooltip, at least for me. If ya can take my word for it, it should be showing +spell crit, accuracy and damage, not just +accuracy and damage. Already forwarded the issue to the coder that does the tooltip stuff.
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Originally posted by jojo;135309
Either give us each rewards, or change which skills we use, group Monks in with Offensive Fighters, group Disciples in with Defensive Casters.
You realize that adding in Monk and Disciple specific weapon rewards would raise the ire of every other class that doesn't have a specific weapon tailored for their class, yes? Or the cleric that wants a hammer rather than a mace, or the DK that wants a mace instead of a sword, or the caster that wants a dagger instead of a focus, etc etc...
It would be, and currently is to some extent, a vicious neverending cycle where some class always feel slighted, this thread being a prime example. Class specific quests do, and will, remedy this situation. And please don't confuse my dialogue with disagreements or neglect; I asked that question because I'm actually AM interested in a solution, albeit one that doesn't include cluttering up every quest with 6-8 or more rewards.
Btw, for the casters reading this, I realized today that the staff currently isn't showing the +spell crit % in the tooltip, at least for me. If ya can take my word for it, it should be showing +spell crit, accuracy and damage, not just +accuracy and damage. Already forwarded the issue to the coder that does the tooltip stuff.
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