Molgam Bot
01.03.2007, 01:02
<STRONG>Double Adventuring Kill
Experience Weekend<BR></STRONG>It is hard to believe it has already
been one month since Vanguard was released! We know it is not always easy to
be the first to explore new lands, so as a big thank you to all those
adventurers out there who did just that this weekend will be a server-wide
double adventuring kill experience event. <BR><BR>Event start and end times will correspond with the daily server restarts: <BR>STARTS: Saturday, March 3<SUP>rd</SUP>,
5:00am PST (Friday, March 2<SUP>nd</SUP>, 8:00pm PST for Europeans)<BR>ENDS: Monday, March 5<SUP>th</SUP>, 5:00am PST (Sunday, March 4<SUP>th</SUP>,
8:00pm PST for Europeans)<BR><BR>Happy hunting!<BR><BR><STRONG><A HREF="">Read
More </A></STRONG>
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Experience Weekend<BR></STRONG>It is hard to believe it has already
been one month since Vanguard was released! We know it is not always easy to
be the first to explore new lands, so as a big thank you to all those
adventurers out there who did just that this weekend will be a server-wide
double adventuring kill experience event. <BR><BR>Event start and end times will correspond with the daily server restarts: <BR>STARTS: Saturday, March 3<SUP>rd</SUP>,
5:00am PST (Friday, March 2<SUP>nd</SUP>, 8:00pm PST for Europeans)<BR>ENDS: Monday, March 5<SUP>th</SUP>, 5:00am PST (Sunday, March 4<SUP>th</SUP>,
8:00pm PST for Europeans)<BR><BR>Happy hunting!<BR><BR><STRONG><A HREF="">Read
More </A></STRONG>
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