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Molgam Bot
26.08.2006, 02:08
Originally Posted by Valant http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1387562#post1387562)
Brad are you expecting players, even on high end machines, to experience significant FPS drop when the shadows are turned up along with high settings and draw distance?

I have a 7900GTX 512mb card with 2 gigs of DDR2 800 mhz RAM....however when I turned the shadows and draw distance up to near max on EQ2 the problems just poured in and the screen chop was ridiculous...I know it wasnt my card, so I think it was more of an EQ2 software issue than anything else....

Have the internal private tests proved that the game still runs very smoothly with all the shadows and elevated draw distance/details enabled?

That's what's taking us so long to implement environment shadows. Using the latest tech we want people, at least on higher end cards, to *really* be able to use it. We could hack in in a couple of days environment shadows that slam the fps such that exist in other games but that everyone turns off after going 'cool' once. But we want to do it right, and we're on the cusp of getting the tech ourselves coded as well as the latest graphics cards being able to handle it.

So that's what's taking so long. I'm not going to go ask my lead graphics guy to hack in huge FPS hitting environment shadows just to make screenshots look better. Maybe that's the wrong call, I don't know -- sometimes hacking some stuff in for a PR/Marketing standpoint *is* the right call, but at the same time these are the same graphics programmers who are optimizing the graphics engine to make it so more and more people with a wider variety of machines can have a great framerate and a great looking game in beta and later after release, whether they are on very low, medium, or high settings.

We *will* have environment shadows before launch, but it will also be one of the last technologies coded so we can use the very latest in tech and know-how. It's in the schedule, I do wish we had it now and I could snap my fingers, it does bug me every time someone asks where they are when screenshots and videos are released, but I've talked it over with my Director of Technology and other very smart people and they say it's worth the wait. And I trust them -- they've not let me done thus far.

Will you have to have a high end system? I don't know that yet either. It may be the case -- environment shadows are very expensive. The sad part is a year or two from now, I bet graphics cards will do them automatically in hardware and it will just be a matter of turning them on like anti aliasing (another very expensive thing to do in code, but that is moving to hardware on the cards and makes a huge difference visually).

Weiterlesen... (http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1387769#post1387769)