Vollständige Version anzeigen : New Screens posted... - Official Vanguard Forums ************* (Aradune Mithara)

Molgam Bot
26.08.2006, 06:22
Originally Posted by devmage http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1387962#post1387962)
Just make sure you support multiple cores, those are the wave of the future. I'll be playing on my Quad Xeon Processor Mac Pro so I'll be wanting to use those cores! http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/images/smilies/smile.gif

We definitely will. In fact, we already do to a small degree. Sound and other similar systems run on their own processes and will therefore take advantage of dual core systems (and in the future, multi-core systems).

We've really planned Vanguard out for the future. We will have native Vista clients, take advantage of dual/multicore, have native 64 bit clients (and take advantage of more than 3 gigs in the future if you have it), physics cards, crossfire/SLI, shader 3.0, dx10, etc. We know the game has to look good when it launches and keep looking good years later -- we've learned this the hard way and have made sure to architect our technology such that it is relatively easy to implement and take advantage of tomorrow's tech and to even use that tech to make the existing, older world look better without major re-work by the artists.

Weiterlesen... (http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1388033#post1388033)