Vollständige Version anzeigen : Nino + whoever works for VG... Big problem... - Fires of Heaven ************* (Nino)

Molgam Bot
06.03.2007, 07:48
Originally Posted by Schatze http://www.fohguild.org/forums/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.fohguild.org/forums/mmorpg-general-discussion/27471-nino-whoever-works-vg-big-problem.html#post679508)
Help me obi wan nino, you're my only hope.

I know i shouldn't bump, but this pertains to a game that one of the FOH'rs works on.

After this I will not bump. SOrry to the powers that be. In 4 years i haven't bumped shit, so have mercy!

Am at home, but trying to get someone to look into this.</div> <div> __________________
Nino McHammer
Fires of Heaven

Weiterlesen... (http://www.fohguild.org/forums/showthread.php?p=679512#post679512)