Vollständige Version anzeigen : Sigil - Its past time to have a Community Relations Manager - Silky Venom no@email.ne

Molgam Bot
23.03.2007, 00:00
Originally posted by Jalex;198259
I think part of the problem with the dev 'communication' so far is that it has been almost entirely restricted to item/gameplay issues.

Information regarding the key underlying technical issues such as CTD's, zone pathing, chunking effects etc., has been nebulous to say the least.

I know there is a lot going on behind the scenes and that some of the critical bugs may still represent 'Known Unknowns' ...but there is a limit to the number of times you can say "we are aware of the issue...working on it...bigger fish to fry".

This type of response is acceptable in a Beta test environment, but a little more meat on the bone is required when customers are paying money for your product?

I've responded to many posts on the SOE Technical Support Forums, these are the forums that should be used if you are experiencing technical issues. I do not reply to most technical problems here or on other affiliates as it is not a constructive use of my time nor the purpose of the affiliate sites.

There's a link to the support forums in the nav bar on www.vgplayers.com (http://www.vgplayers.com). Trust me when I say that CTD issues and performance are being worked on and while we have fixed many there are still problems with certain hardware configurations, software conflicts, user error, etc., that can lead to any number of problems.

We do know that visible status updates on these types of issues are desired though, and once again the Coming Soon page will help to meet this. Thank you for the feedback!

Weiterlesen... (http://www.silkyvenom.com/forums/showthread.php?p=198299#post198299)