Vollständige Version anzeigen : Bernadir hills, heroic weapons quest changes - Vanguard Servers ************* (Cylus)

Molgam Bot
28.03.2007, 12:04
Also, those weapons with particles are going to be "invis" with the patch in the morn; I went ahead and updated em so hopefully they'll be fixed asap but figured that I'd warn ya that they were overlooked. I had to move around some of particle weapons in the package to make room for more so the reference #s got changed; the model/particle combo is still there and updated on our end, will just need to get in. Heck, the crystalblade actually isn't crystal anymore and has a fire particle, last I checked. Am guessin folks might enjoy that til the new data gets to Live, hehe.

Anyways, just figured that I'd warn you folks and make it clear that they're fixed on this end and will have the same models/particles. It's purely a database thing and not an art thing.


Weiterlesen... (http://www.vanguardservers.com/forums/showthread.php?p=16945#post16945)