Vollständige Version anzeigen : Secondary Market Sales – Thank you to our community!

Molgam Bot
28.03.2007, 20:00
<P>Greetings!<BR><BR>We would like to take a moment to thank our players for their assistance in
helping us combat the RMT (real market trades), i.e. the gold selling and
powerleveling organizations.&nbsp; Your assistance through reports and
petitions has been invaluable to us in identifying these individuals and
removing them from our game.&nbsp; Please continue to report individuals you
suspect are involved in the transactions involving in-game items, money or
services.&nbsp; With your help we have already banned more than&nbsp;7&nbsp;00 gold selling, powerleveling and
solicitation accounts used by various organizations.</P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>Some of these accounts were trial
accounts and have resulted in our adjustment to the access a trial account
has to some game mechanics. Moving forward trial accounts will not be able to
be used in the delivery or advertisement of gold selling and powerleveling services.</P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>Further, we would like to
reiterate how important it is that players not participate in RMT or have any
association with companies that offer these services.&nbsp; Please be advised
that we consider supporting these organizations a serious policy violation,
and grounds for action against the offending account, up to and including the
termination of the account.</P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>We remain very dedicated to the
preservation and health of our economy and the integrity of our industry, and
we hope that you, as players, expect nothing less.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>The Vanguard Customer
Support Team!</P> <P>&nbsp;</P>

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