Vollständige Version anzeigen : FoH Vanguard Temple Series #1 - Fires of Heaven ************* (Aradune Mithara)

Molgam Bot
30.08.2006, 07:22
<div id="post_message_550730"> Quote:
Originally Posted by Maxxius
You honestly think otherwise? Please stop kidding a kidder. Of course he is going to ship an unfinished game. The world is so large there will be tons of voids. And of course his plan is to sell expansions down the road to fill those voids as time goes by. Don't even think otherwise. The only question is will the game still be entertaining when it first ships. So far from what I have seen and read I just can't imagine it appealing to a large audience. Maybe those that enjoy tedious time sinks, and that is exactly what the game will be. Most see it now.

Diplomacy? Yeah loads of fun talking over and over to npcs till you get a skillup. Tradeskilling? Yup lets chop wood for 10 hours so we can make wood bits which others will need to make wood clamps which others will need to make wood doors for houses which others must make some other tedious item for. If you are going to do that at least do it in real life and grab a paycheck.

Yeah the game isn't ready. Yeah it is in beta 42 now. Yeah lets see 132 more threads showing pretty screenshots yet not seeing anything of substance.

This has nothing to do with what WOW and Blizzard does. It is silly even to try to compare a game that has drawn SIX MILLION subscribers to a game touted as the next generation for years yet still in beta.

The mere fact that all we see are nothing but screenshots yet nothing of real substance simply confirms in my mind that Brad is just playing the "used car" salesman. See my pretty game? Well how about putting together a video instead Brad, showing us what it is like actually PLAYING the dam game?

Let's cut the dam crap. Either put up or shut up.

Yeah I had a couple scotches ;p

We've spent a bunch of time down at SOE putting movies together and have more time scheduled (one of them I am most looking forward to is a player oritented one, not a teaser, where we show the game in detail and Jeff and I comment, like on some DVDs where the directors and actors comment on an optional channel).

I wish it wouldn't take as long to put these together, but SOE is busy, and we are also making movies for gaming pubs and the like. But enough excuses! When the movies come, the movies will come. Until then, you can legitimately complain that there aren't more out (I certainly complain myself).

But then there will still be those of you who want more... more proof that we're not just pulling a fast one. For those of you, like I have posted, you'll need to get into beta, or see someone play beta... and for some, *that* won't be enough -- it will take actually playing the game before the skepticism goes away. At that point, finally, I hope that the majority of you really like Vanguard, but I also realize you can't make a game that is all things for all people too.

Weiterlesen... (http://www.fohguild.org/forums/showthread.php?p=550730#post550730)