Vollständige Version anzeigen : If 200,000 people are raiding Naxx what are the other 6.3 million doing? - Fires of Heaven ************* (Aradune Mithara)

Molgam Bot
31.08.2006, 19:15
<div id="post_message_551573"> Quote:
Originally Posted by Qhue
A statement made in another thread about the number of high end raiders on U.S. servers really got me thinking:

If we assume that theres something on the order of 5-6 100 man guilds on each server working on Naxx (an assumption based on numbers of guilds on each faction seen to be heading into the zone) and there's around 200 U.S. servers then we're talking about 100,000 U.S. players who are doing Naxx content.

Lets be reasonably generous and say that the worldwide Naxx raidership includes 200,000 accounts. That still leaves 6.3 million people who have active accounts and are NOT raiding Naxx...

What do these people do?

Are they so casual that they still haven't yet seen all there is to see in the original game? I find that somewhat hard to believe as you would have to be VERY casual indeed to still have content untouched after all this time. If you only game for a couple hours a week would you even bother paying for the game at this point? If you play much more than that and you consider that the last 5-man content was added well over a year ago... what is left to be accomplished that would again persuade you to still fork over cash?

Obviously these people are doing something, even if its just paying for an account they no longer use, so what the heck is it? If they really are still paying for a service they don't really use then how long can Blizzard expect these people to continue forking over cash before they wise up and drift to some other amusement taking their $15 a month with them?

I'm betting at least 500,000, if not a LOT more, are waiting for Vanguard http://www.fohguild.org/forums/images/smilies/smile.gif

Weiterlesen... (http://www.fohguild.org/forums/showthread.php?p=551573#post551573)