Vollständige Version anzeigen : Scratching at the Surface (2.)

06.05.2007, 17:04

also das is ned die quest mit dem Killen des Oathbrake Runners sondern die darauffolgende: und damit komm ich ned klar evtl kann mir ja wer behilflich sein wo ich da jemanden finden kann der mir dei Karte gibt:::


Take the Crude Dwarven Map to Prospector Ghudry. Return to Apprentice Blackstone with any information Prospector Ghudry provides.

Speak with Prospector Ghudry
Apprentice Blackstone says, "Prospector Ghudry is well known for his ability to discover rich veins and find his way around underground. He's made maps of underground areas many times, and has acted as a guide for people outside of Bordinar's Cleft. With his knowledge, he should be able to tell us what this could be."

"Recently, he's been staying here at the dam, but pretty much keeps to himself. Take this map to him and see what he says. He shouldn't be too hard to find."

Upon Completion
You will be able to choose an item from each of the following groups:

also ich muss eine Karte wo abholen und die Prospectior Grudry geben

allerdings hab ich weder ne map noch weiß ich wo ich diese herbekomme

kann mir bitte jemand weiterhelfen?, ich möcht die quest die schon lang in meinem QB verweielt entlich los werden :)

danke sehr