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Molgam Bot
02.09.2006, 00:10
Originally Posted by xphenix http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1408678#post1408678)
Raid size, raid size, well that's not final but what about raid classes?

Actually on EQ2 we have to say no to a number of tank/dps sort to a regular basis because those being melee simply don't fit the needs for our raids, as it is a lot of named epic have some sort of AOE or some DS effect, one in peculiar got a very bad effect adding mobs to the encounter if you get hit by its AOE making those melee people completely useless

So usually those tanks or tank/dps melee sort can be accepted to a certain amount but if you want to win you can't go over the limit.

So what will it be for Vanguard? obviously tanks are the least loved with raids because of their generally under the norm dps rate in exchange for their better dmg mitigation but in a raid their bonus mitigation just doesn't cut it for their lost dps and any dps classes would be a lot better than one, sure you need a tank even two for let's say a 24 people sized raid but more? why?

So as far tanks in vanguard seems a lot more able to act out of the usual pic but will there be some classes which will be said : sorry we got one that's enough for the whole raid? will we have any problems with raid setup choice?

Still working out the details and a lot of this won't come together until probably beta 4, but we will have robust guild tools both in-game and via the web -- we're working with SOE and some of the stuff they have done to support guilds, etc.

And to answer a poster further up: yes, I absolutely want to see smaller guilds supported and very viable in Vanguard, as well as raids at mid level, not just the end game, etc. It's part of why we are putting things in like raid party limits, variable sizes based on the encounter, dynamic threat assesment, our advanced encounter routes, etc. I really, like I said previously, want to see not just zerging go away as the default, but even more importantly the plague that is we design an encounter for 30 people and somebody brings 50 and trvializes it. It's a tough problem to deal with -- we have lots of ideas and systems in mind and to implement once we are focusing on high level content (beta 4 and beyond), but I think while it's tough, and it will require tweaking and we won't get it perfect the first time, that it *is* doable.

Weiterlesen... (http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1409270#post1409270)