Vollständige Version anzeigen : SOE´s Second Annual Block Party

09.07.2007, 21:50
Am Samstag den 28. Juli findet die zweite Party von SOE für ihre Fans statt. Sie wird zur gleichen Zeit wie die Comic-Con sein und bietet den Besuchern vieles, was für einen Besuch spricht. Seit ihr zufällig in der Nähe könnt ihr ja vorbei schauen.

<center><IMG SRC="http://vsoh.molgam.net/upload/vsoh/files/1184007034.jpg" BORDER="0"></center>

<ul><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="85%"><tr><td width="100%"><div align="justify" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: ARIAL, VERDANA; color: #4F4F4F;">Thought last year&acute;s block party was a ton of fun? Get ready to be shocked, because this one is going to put last year&acute;s to shame!

The party will feature raffles, food and drink, and other assorted goodies accompanied by music, we have fun planned for kids as well. There will be SOE game demos, as well as a sneak peak at The Agency!

Meet with dev team members and staff, socialize with employees and friends, and have a great time. Who knows, maybe you will get the chance to dunk one of the devs or staff members in the dunk tank.

This event will be held during Comic-Con on Saturday, July 28th. Even if you are not attending Comic-Con, stop by the block party anyway! All are welcome! Attendance is FREE!

When: July 28th, 2007 Saturday

Where: SOE Headquarters
8928 Terman Court
San Diego, CA 92121

Buses: Comic-Con to SOE - 4:00pm-6:00pm</div></td></tr></table></ul>

Link: <a href="http://eq2players.station.sony.com/news_archive_content.vm?id=1227&amp;section=News&amp;local e=en_US" target=_blank>Hier gehts zur offiziellen Ank&uuml;ndigung</a>