24.08.2007, 21:28
Exklusiv auf der EverQuest 2 Seite des WarCry Netzwerkes wurde ein Artikel mit Scott Hartsman veröffentlicht. Hier gehts es darum aufzuzeigen, wo das fantastische Rollenspiel EQ2 heute steht. Um einen tieferen Eindruck zu erlangen, gehen bei diesem Artikel die verschiedenen Teamleiter der Abteilungen wie für Audio oder Charakter auf ihren Bereich ein. <br> <br><ul><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="85%"><tr><td width="100%"><div align="justify" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: ARIAL, VERDANA; color: #4F4F4F;">Character Art Lead, Chad Haley: <br>The character team has been diligently working on pushing the look of EverQuest II into a much more high fantasy feel. Creatures should appear more exotic, weapons more powerful and armor more unique than what you´d find in real life. If we create something that you can find at your local store or see at your trip to the zoo then we haven´t reached our goal. We are also pushing our engine and tools to new heights of quality. During Echoes of Faydwer development we experimented with animated weapons and synching animations between two separate objects. The fruits of these efforts are found with the Fae wings, cloaks and new mounts. We were able to get one animated zombie arm club into Echoes of Faydwer and expect many more with Rise of Kunark. (If you´re lucky enough to have found this weapon try /wave sometime.) ...</div></td></tr></table></ul> <br> <br>Link: <a href="" target=_blank>Hier gehts zum vollständigen Artikel</a>