05.09.2007, 01:10
Michelle "Elionia" Butler hat sich in einer Verkündung nun offiziell von Vanguard zurückgezogen, um an einem neuen Projekt zu arbeiten. In ihre Fußstapfen tritt Ellyra alias Julie.
<ul><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="85%"><tr><td width="100%"><div align="justify" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: ARIAL, VERDANA; color: #4F4F4F;">I´ve been gaming for quite some time. My first taste came back in 1994 or so when I found myself addicted to a text game called ´Legends.´ The BBS I played on supported a dozen players, and wiped itself once a week. I was hooked from day one. From there I went on to play Doom on a BBS called H2H. As for MMO´s, I´ve played a lot of what´s currently out there, some more than others; EQ, EQII, WoW, LoTRo, and of course, Vanguard, to name a few.</div></td></tr></table></ul>
Link: <a href="" target=_blank>Hier gehts zur offiziellen verkündung</a>
<ul><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="85%"><tr><td width="100%"><div align="justify" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: ARIAL, VERDANA; color: #4F4F4F;">I´ve been gaming for quite some time. My first taste came back in 1994 or so when I found myself addicted to a text game called ´Legends.´ The BBS I played on supported a dozen players, and wiped itself once a week. I was hooked from day one. From there I went on to play Doom on a BBS called H2H. As for MMO´s, I´ve played a lot of what´s currently out there, some more than others; EQ, EQII, WoW, LoTRo, and of course, Vanguard, to name a few.</div></td></tr></table></ul>
Link: <a href="" target=_blank>Hier gehts zur offiziellen verkündung</a>