08.11.2007, 08:38
In einem Brief vom Entwickler an die Community, wird der aktuelle Status von Vanguard Saga of Heroes beschrieben. Aktuell werden die letzten Handgriff für das Update #3 getätigt. Aber nicht nur das wird erwähnt.
<ul><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="85%"><tr><td width="100%"><div align="justify" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: ARIAL, VERDANA; color: #4F4F4F;">Let Yourself Free and Make This Game Great!
These are pretty exciting times for Vanguard right now. The team is currently putting the finishing touches on Phase 2 and 3 of Update 3 after having launched an astounding performance update in Phase 1. We received a lot of great feedback from you on Phase 1, and we´re going to continue our focus in delivering consistently high quality, engaging and in-demand content in each update.
I´d like to introduce myself to many of you that do not know me. My name is Thom Terrazas, Producer for Vanguard. In a few words, I´ve been with Sony Online Entertainment over 9 years (unofficially). During that time, I have and still do work, with some of the greatest people in the MMO world of whom I intend to solicit feedback from and use to my advantage. One of the best things that I have learned in this industry is to work closely with your team, while at the same time allow them to do their jobs and show off their talents – and we have some amazingly passionate and talented developers working on Vanguard. I give them a lot of credit for launching an MMO of this caliber, and you´ll continue to see their talents shining through in our future updates.
The Team´s Current Focus
In the past few weeks, the team has been examining all of the fundamental game mechanics and discussing what we think it is fun to play and what is not. The great thing is we are not holding anything back – everything is fair game!. So something that may have been perceived as off limits in the past, is now an open for debate and is able to be measured on the fun-factor-scale. At the end of the day, we all want to say we created a great game that is fun to play – and of course, we want you to be the measuring stick of whether or not and to what extent we meet that goal. Without you, we wouldn´t be here.
One of our current priority tasks is setting the Vision for Vanguard. We´ve come up with dozens upon dozens of elements that we believe will factor into determining the future path of Vanguard but it will take a few more weeks of fine tuning within our internal departments before we distill it down to the vision and have an agreed on list of critical success factors by which to measure all new development against. I´m not able to share the details at the moment but what I can say is that the desired end result of this exercise is to ensure that we produce high-quality game content and features that first and foremost fun to play. </div></td></tr></table></ul>
Link: <a href=";section=News" target=_blank>Auf gehts zum Producers Letter</a>
<ul><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="85%"><tr><td width="100%"><div align="justify" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: ARIAL, VERDANA; color: #4F4F4F;">Let Yourself Free and Make This Game Great!
These are pretty exciting times for Vanguard right now. The team is currently putting the finishing touches on Phase 2 and 3 of Update 3 after having launched an astounding performance update in Phase 1. We received a lot of great feedback from you on Phase 1, and we´re going to continue our focus in delivering consistently high quality, engaging and in-demand content in each update.
I´d like to introduce myself to many of you that do not know me. My name is Thom Terrazas, Producer for Vanguard. In a few words, I´ve been with Sony Online Entertainment over 9 years (unofficially). During that time, I have and still do work, with some of the greatest people in the MMO world of whom I intend to solicit feedback from and use to my advantage. One of the best things that I have learned in this industry is to work closely with your team, while at the same time allow them to do their jobs and show off their talents – and we have some amazingly passionate and talented developers working on Vanguard. I give them a lot of credit for launching an MMO of this caliber, and you´ll continue to see their talents shining through in our future updates.
The Team´s Current Focus
In the past few weeks, the team has been examining all of the fundamental game mechanics and discussing what we think it is fun to play and what is not. The great thing is we are not holding anything back – everything is fair game!. So something that may have been perceived as off limits in the past, is now an open for debate and is able to be measured on the fun-factor-scale. At the end of the day, we all want to say we created a great game that is fun to play – and of course, we want you to be the measuring stick of whether or not and to what extent we meet that goal. Without you, we wouldn´t be here.
One of our current priority tasks is setting the Vision for Vanguard. We´ve come up with dozens upon dozens of elements that we believe will factor into determining the future path of Vanguard but it will take a few more weeks of fine tuning within our internal departments before we distill it down to the vision and have an agreed on list of critical success factors by which to measure all new development against. I´m not able to share the details at the moment but what I can say is that the desired end result of this exercise is to ensure that we produce high-quality game content and features that first and foremost fun to play. </div></td></tr></table></ul>
Link: <a href=";section=News" target=_blank>Auf gehts zum Producers Letter</a>