Vollständige Version anzeigen : Khal in neuem Outfit
Die Designer von Vanguard haben sich auf gemacht um das Juwel der Wüste Khal ein wenig aufzubessern. Die Vorher-Nachher-Screenshots sind beeindruckend. <br> <br><center><IMG SRC="http://vsoh.molgam.net/upload/vsoh/files/1195241862.jpg" BORDER="2" style="border-color: #000000;"> <br><IMG SRC="http://vsoh.molgam.net/upload/vsoh/files//1195241862_1780954291.jpg" BORDER="2" style="border-color: #000000;"> <br><IMG SRC="http://vsoh.molgam.net/upload/vsoh/files//1195241862_526457443.jpg" BORDER="2" style="border-color: #000000;"> <br><IMG SRC="http://vsoh.molgam.net/upload/vsoh/files//1195241862_769747483.jpg" BORDER="2" style="border-color: #000000;"></center> <br> <br>Link: <a href="http://vgplayers.station.sony.com/newsArchive.vm?id=325&section=News" target=_blank>Hier gibts die Bilder auch in groß</a>
26.11.2007, 12:36
Ui Prima.... wir basteln also NOCH mehr an der Graphicengine rum wie die letzten 4 Jahre auf das wir noch bessere Rechner brauchen, statt ENDLICH mal die Techdemo mit dem zu füllen was ein mmorpg ausmacht, ganz zu schweigen von den 1000senden bugs die immernoch im Spiel sind einfach nur LOL.
Hehe .. dazu fällt mir gerade das ein :
Weepingbears wrote:
I am coming from Vanguard, where there is an air of superiority over other games
Spyderbite@Venekor wrote:
All 300 players eh?
The only "Superiority" that Vanguard players have over EQ2 is how much money they dumped in to their rigs to get it to run at "Balanced".
Been there.. bought the tee shirt.. XD
Giggittygiggity wrote
I played VG for 3 months and was in the beta. Seems like if anyone complained about valid bugs in the game the majority of the VG players would tell you to "Go back to WoW!" no matter what MMO you came from. If they were allowed to put more time into the game it would of had a smoother launch and a possible larger player-base than it has now.
In dem Sinne : Get more/better rigs, or go back to WoW :-D
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