Vollständige Version anzeigen : Neuer Lizenznehmer für Star Trek Online

18.01.2008, 20:22
Nach weiteren Ger&uuml;chten und Gespr&auml;chen mit Cryptic Studios steht der Bereich &quot;Bay Area&quot; als zuk&uuml;nftige Entwicklungsst&auml;tte. Welches Unternehmen nun letztendlich Star Trek Online &uuml;bernehmen wird, bleibt offen. Es steht nach einem Statement vom Chef-Interfacedesigner von P2 nun aber fest, dass kein Quellcode an das neue Zuhause &uuml;bergeben wird. Das bedeutet, dass das neue Entwickler Studio von fast ganz vorne beginnen muss. <br> <br><ul><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="85%"><tr><td width="100%"><div align="justify" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: ARIAL, VERDANA; color: #4F4F4F;">the team of engineers and artists was truly phenomenal. it&acute;s really tragic that some of that hard work will never see the light of day. there&acute;s no doubt in my mind that we could have shipped a really fun, cutting edge ST:O if we had been given the proper time and resources. I think it&acute;s safe to say that we were all grossly misled about our ability to exist &quot;perpetually&quot;. <br> <br>say what you will about perpetual as a company, but the guys &quot;in the trenches&quot;, making ST:O, were some incredibly talented guys. none of you got to see the cool stuff that we had been holding onto -- we had some really beautiful things forming up and it&acute;s such a shame to lose all of that. <br> <br>as a star trek fan, i&acute;m sad, but it&acute;s way more upsetting to see so many people&acute;s lives thrown into chaos. a lot of those people have families and have to consider relocating now. <br> <br>and, based on what very little i know about the potential for ST:O to be developed by another game company *cough*, ahem, well, let&acute;s just say... I&acute;ll probably be too busy playing the next triple-A MMO from Bioware, Blizzard, or whoever. i personally believe the thing that will make a star trek mmo cool are the fans who play the game. if they give people enough room to &quot;play&quot; in the star trek universe, and not totally ignore the franchise history, maybe it will be cool.</div></td></tr></table></ul> <br> <br>Ebenfalls spricht er die Zukunft der gesamten Mitarbeiter von Perpetual an, die leider ungewiss ist. Viele werden wohl in eine andere Stadt ziehen m&uuml;ssen, um in diesem Sektor weiter t&auml;tig bleiben zu k&ouml;nnen. <br> <br>Link: <a href="http://www.igda.org/sf/bayarea_developers.htm" target=_blank>Entwickler Studios in der Bay Area</a> <br>Link: <a href="http://www.startrek-online.net/messageboard/showthread.php?p=164772#post164772" target=_blank>Zum Beitrag des Designers</a>