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05.03.2008, 18:58
Wer noch nicht genug von Aion : Tower of Eternity gesehen hat (sollte so ziemlich jeder hier sein), der sollte der Webseite MMOSite.com einen Besuch abstatten. Denn hier warten neue Screenshots aus der korreanischen Beta auf euch. <br> <br><ul><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="85%"><tr><td width="100%"><div align="justify" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: ARIAL, VERDANA; color: #4F4F4F;">ecently, NCsoft in Korea released its new business model of the highly anticipated MMORPG Aion. The spokesman of Korean NCsoft said that Aion will go Pay-to-Play in the first half of this year. In a word, Aion is an entirely PAY-to-PLAY MMORPG with monthly subscriptions. Now, Aion is in limited beta in Korea. Approximately, when the second closed beta ended, the game will go open beta and officially lunch. <br> <br>We know that a lot of players are waiting for updated news about this entertaining mmorpg. We also got some latest screenshots from closed beta. Please enjoy.</div></td></tr></table></ul> <br> <br><center><IMG SRC="http://aion.molgam.net/upload/aion/files/1204739911_974299420.jpg" BORDER="2" style="border-color: #000000;"> <IMG SRC="http://aion.molgam.net/upload/aion/files/1204739911_1072990274.jpg" BORDER="2" style="border-color: #000000;"></center> <br> <br>Link: <a href="http://news.mmosite.com/content/2008-02-15/20080215234811784,1.shtml" target=_blank>Hier gehts zu den Bildern</a>