Vollständige Version anzeigen : Server Downtime: Tuesday, May 13th 5:00 AM PDT (14:00 CET)

Molgam Bot
14.05.2008, 02:34
<style type="text/css"> <!-- .style1 {font-size: 12px} --> </style> </head> <body> <span class="style1"> All servers will be coming down Tuesday morning at 5:00 am PDT for their weekly restart.&nbsp; We'll be performing character transfers during this period, so the downtime will include all servers and will extend beyond the normal time frame.&nbsp; We expect the servers to be back up and ready to play within 4 hours (9:00 am PDT). <br /> <br /> If you're still thinking about switching servers, remember that your last chance to move for free will be happening soon!&nbsp; If you decide to transfer, /petition in game and include the names of all the characters on your account you would like moved, and the server you want them to be transferred to.</span> </body> </html>

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