Molgam Bot
12.06.2008, 22:19
<p align="justify">This week's screenshot is courtesy of Wappler, the level 45 Cleric who hails from the Halgar server! After a long day of adventuring, it is nice to be able to relax in Afrit, warming your worn hands by the fireside.</p> <p align="center"><img src="" width="491" height="307" /> </p> <p align="justify">Wapple particularly enjoys this peaceful place within Telon because it reminds him of the holidays in a foreign country. <br /> <br /> If you have a favorite screenshot or some original artwork you'd like to share, we'd love to feature it on VGPlayers! You can send your submissions (along with your name and a description) to <a href="">SOEFanArt</a>. </p>
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