Vollständige Version anzeigen : Faeran’s Vanguard Video!

Molgam Bot
17.06.2008, 03:40
<div align="justify">"To be a Hero in Vanguard is to be free to adventure" are the opening lines in a fantastic fan-made Vanguard video! Faeran of <a href="http://www.vgwalkthroughs.com/">VGWalkthroughs</a> created this great promotional movie to help get the word out about what makes Vanguard the best game out there! <br /> <br /> Thanks to Faeran for spending his free time and creative talent, producing something that definitely shows off some of the best things Vanguard has to offer! <br /> <br /> <a href="http://www.vgwalkthroughs.com/page/guides/4">You can check out the video here</a>!</div>

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