Vollständige Version anzeigen : Mike Huang äußert sich zu Diablo 3

22.07.2008, 20:58
Mike Huang war vor einigen Jahren im Entwicklungsprozess von Diablo 2 beteiligt. Bevor er die Firma verlies, gab es die ersten Anzeigen f&uuml;r ein Diablo 3. In seinem Blog &auml;u&szlig;ert er sich nun zu den aktuellen Geschehnissen. So l&auml;sst er verlauten, dass einige Konzepte aus Diablo 2 nun in Diablo 3 eingebaut werden, die damals abgelehnt wurden. Was ihm an Diablo III nicht gef&auml;llt und wohl auch zu Anfangs, als er noch in der Firma war anderst entschieden wurde ist, dass keine Charakterklassen aus dem Vorg&auml;ngerspiel mehr verwendet werden sollten. Dies sollte dazu dienen, einen komplett neuen F&auml;higkeitsbaum aufzustellen und das Balancing neu und ausgewogener zu entwickeln. <br> <br><ul><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="85%"><tr><td width="100%"><div align="justify" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: ARIAL, VERDANA; color: #4F4F4F;">When I left Blizzard in &acute;03, Blizzard North had done quite a bit of pre-production work on Diablo III, as well as some protoyping on the 3d-game engine. Today at the Blizzard Invitational in Paris, they announced the release of Diablo III. Since much of the work we had done on Diablo III was concept and prototype work, seeing the development they&acute;ve done over the last 5 years was very interesting; while some of the concepts we were developing definitely looks like it made it through to the version of the game they displayed, some of the design choices they appear to have made seem counter to the decisions the original Diablo team members would have made had they remained on development of the title -- the most apparent change that I can point to is the appearance of &quot;floating numbers&quot; as seen in the gameplay video -- this was a feature that Blizzard Irvine continually &quot;suggested&quot; during development on Diablo II, which Blizzard North refused to implement -- with development now located within Irvine, the decision to add floating numbers to the game isn&acute;t one which surprises me.</div></td></tr></table></ul> <br> <br>Link: <a href="http://www.mikehuang.com/blog/2008/06/diablo-iii-announced.html" target=_blank>Hier gehts zu dem Blog-Eintrag</a>

22.07.2008, 21:59
One of the reasons why the Barbarian return shocks me so much is that I always felt that the Barbarian character class was the most broken of the classes in Diablo II. The Barbarian's ability to Leap, for instance gave him advantage over other classes which had to walk around the barrier

Hm .. ob der schonmal was von ner Sorc und Teleport gehört hat :lupe:

Wobei ichs zu Anfang höchstens fies fand, das nicht jede Klasse Teleport hatte, wie in D1.