Vollständige Version anzeigen : Official SOE Podcast #44 is Live!

Molgam Bot
23.08.2008, 07:39
<table width="20" border="0" align="left" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td><img src="http://vgplayers.station.sony.com/images/en/icons/soe_logo.jpg" /></td> </tr> </table> <p align="justify">This is official SOE Podcast #44 where we broadcast at Fan Faire! We talk about what went on at Fan Faire while we were there Thursday night and then we recorded a recap when we returned from the event. </p> <p align="justify">So tune in!&nbsp; You can get your Podcast goodness two different ways head over to the Podcast's official <a href="http://www.station.sony.com/podcasts.vm">site</a>, and click on your preferred bandwidth or if you have iTunes installed select iTunes store, type SOE into the search box and click Subscribe!&nbsp; Your feedback is always welcome either on the <a href="http://forums.station.sony.com/station/forums/show.m?forum_id=120">Station forums</a> or via <a href="mailto:Brenlo@soe.sony.com">email</a>… </p>

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