Molgam Bot
30.10.2008, 19:36
<p><img src="" width="220" height="74"></p> <p align="left"><em>Aus der Feder von Eylee Zephyrwoge –</em><br> <em> The last of all our destinations – save the bastion of the invasion, the first location we failed to save, Innothule Swamp – would be the continent of Kunark. The iksar might have once been powerful, if not entirely trustworthy, allies, but they had been reduced to small villages of savage jungle dwellers. Even so, we tried to approach them, but our efforts were met with spearheads in response. We learned to travel by night, as silently as possible, heading as directly as we could to where we found the rifts. Though we were refused entry to Chardok, an envoy of the sarnak heard our story and said the sarnak would not be letting any invaders into their lands. Any found would be killed. It was made clear we were not much more welcome than the Void invaders, and though we would be able to keep our lives as reward for the warning, we had best be on our way. We found ourselves able to close some of the portals, but others were too much for us, and we ran for our lives desperately.</em><br></p> <p>Diese Wissengeschichte gibt es zur Zeit leider nur in englischer Version. Nichtsdestotrotz möchte ich sie euch nicht vorenthalten! <p>Lest <a href="§ion=News&locale=de_DE" target="_blank">mehr</a>.<p>