Vollständige Version anzeigen : Last Chance for Grim Spooks!

Molgam Bot
14.11.2008, 21:24
<p align="center"><img src="http://vgplayers.station.sony.com/images/community/Halloween/festival.jpg" alt="Festival of the Grim Harvest" width="400" height="331"></p> <p>If you haven't participated in the Festival of the Grim Harvest yet, or if you haven't received all the rewards you wanted, be sure to do so by the end of Tuesday, November 18th.</p> <p>On Wednesday, November 19th, the Grim Harvest will fade away, and a new event will go live! Be sure to check back on Monday for a sneak preview of the upcoming Harvest Day events.</p> <p>Click through for more information on the Festival of the Grim Harvest! </p>

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