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Molgam Bot
18.09.2006, 00:10
Originally Posted by Eolair Strongbow http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1462689#post1462689)
You're not seriously suggesting that a game is unplayable without GPS are you? For someone who tells me to use my freakin imagination, you obviously aren't using yours at all if you think having a computer create a smell is the only way to make a tracking ability work. This is where I ask YOU if you've ever played any MMO's before. Other than WoW of course. But then, I already know you're nothing but a rabble rouser who likes to cause drama, so I don't even know why I bother responding.

The Origin of the Traveler?s Map

Long ago, say the legends, wizards wielded vast power -- power unimaginable in this day. These were also the days of the gods, and they were said to be seen often, and no pact existed to keep them from the ways of lesser mortals. And it was in these days, that men, whether with the aid of the gods or not, we do not know, sent glowing crystals into the sky. These crystals, when you looked at them (and few did, or were even given the opportunity), looked like a man's eye, but in a most unnatural way, and not in the way of the horrors brought forth by necromancy, but more so like other legends, those stories of automatons built by gnomish folk.

And so these crystals, sent into the heavens, came back after some time, and from them these great mages took paintings of the world. So much did these paintings convey that many believe the crystals must have risen so high as to enter the realms of the gods themselves, but these legends are, admittedly, less reliable than the rest of this I share with you. And so again using their deep magic, these paintings were taken from the crystals and made as if they had been scribed on canvas or vellum, and many copies were made.

Thus is it best explained how it is that we possess maps showing so much of the world and their detail, for many of these copies exist even unto today, and magic still remains within them, for if used correctly, they also depict where the map is in the world.

Truly, if anyone questions these legends, and many do, disbelieving that such magic did once exist, or that these objects could be sent so high, let me remind them that the legends of the Outrider also speak of the heavens and his decent to our world from another place. This is all that I will say? all that I have been told. That we have these maps, there is no debate. As to their origin, there is indeed debate, but this is what I believe, and this is what was passed down through my family through the years.

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